Cooking Fire Damage in Willoughby, OH
11/21/2019 (Permalink)
Cooking Fires in Willoughby, OH are a leading cause of fire damage. Here's a few tips how to prevent them:
Cooking fires are the leading cause of home fires in Willoughby, OH, and they’re responsible for almost half the injuries from home fires. Most kitchen fires involve the stove. This time of the year cooking fires are most common because more people are cooking due to the holiday season. Keep these things in mind while you're cooking:
- Be sure to turn the stove off.
- Timers that notify you when the time is done can lend a major helping hand. Always use timers so that you don’t lose track of time.
- Paper, packaging, towels, oven mitts and wooden cooking are all flammable items and should be kept away from the stove while cooking.
- Never pour water on a grease fire.
- If you decide to (and it is safe to) fight the fire, smother it by turning off the burner and covering it with a metal or glass lid or pot. If you can’t extinguish the fire, leave the room, close the door and call 911.